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2008-01-20袁强 投资样驴的问题


尊敬的消费者: 您好! 如果想养驴,请直接与我公司产业管理部联系,电话0635-3265536 如果您对我们公司的产品和服务有建议或意见,可以随时用座机拨打我公司的免费电话:8008608388选择1或4008180106选择1(座机、小灵通、手机均可拨打,收当地市话费),我会随时为您解答的。 祝:工作顺利,全家幸福! 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司消费者服务热线 谢凤慧 2008-1-21
2008-01-15程昌同 代理


尊敬的消费者: 您好! 您若想开专卖店,请直接与专营连锁部张宏君部长联系,电话:0635-3261519 如果您对我们公司的产品和服务有建议或意见,可以随时用座机拨打我公司的免费电话:8008608388选择1或4008180106选择1(座机、小灵通、手机均可拨打,收当地市话费),我会随时为您解答的。 祝:工作顺利,全家幸福! 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司消费者服务热线 谢凤慧 2008-1-15
2008-01-08 咨询开专卖代理
想详细咨询下贵公司在烟台的发展详情 想与贵公司共同发展


尊敬的消费者: 您好! 您若需要开专卖店可以直接与我公司专营管理部张宏君部长联系,电话13276356169。 如果您对我们公司的产品和服务有建议或意见,可以随时用座机拨打我公司的免费电话:8008608388选择1或4008180106选择1(座机、小灵通、手机均可拨打,收当地市话费),我会随时为您解答的。 祝:心想事成,一切顺利! 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司消费者服务热线 谢凤慧 2008-1-8
2008-01-02于永蕾 我可以做销售代理商么?


尊敬的消费者: 您好! 您若想开专卖店请直接与我公司专营管理部张宏君部长联系,电话13276356169 如果您对我们公司的产品和服务有建议或意见,可以随时用座机拨打我公司的免费电话:8008608388选择1或4008180106选择1(座机、小灵通、手机均可拨打,收当地市话费),我会随时为您解答的。 祝:心想事成,一切顺利! 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司消费者服务热线 谢凤慧 2008-1-8
2008-01-01蔡源源 宁波有专卖店吗?


尊敬的用户您好: 宁波有专卖店,电话是0574-87703587.地址是:宁波市江东区百丈路76号,名江新都大厦一层。 如果自己想开设专营店,请拨打13276356169找张宏君经理联系。谢谢! 因为没有及时回复,在此表示深深的歉意,请您见谅! 如有其他问题和建议,您可拨打免费电话8008608388手机用户也可拨打4008180106咨询。如果您对我们公司的产品和服务有建议或意见,请告诉我们,我们会努力工作,让您享受到更多的健康与快乐! 非常感谢你对我公司的关心和支持.为人类的康复保健服务是我公司不懈的追求和神圣的目标。 祝快乐健康每一天! 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司 消费者服务中心:董卉
2008-01-01若凡 对外贸易
您好! 07年9月我购买了几盒阿胶(板状)带到国外,他们吃的不错,有意做阿胶生意,但是看不懂中文,想请问贵公司是否有英文的说明书,如有,请发一分给我,我想拿给外国友人看. 谢谢!


尊敬的消费者: 您好! 不好意思,今天才给您回复,敬请谅解。 现将英文说明书发送与您,请收阅! Famous Brand in Chinese Medicines ----“Dong-E” Brand E-Jiao or Colla Corii Asini in Latin  History of ”Dong-E” E-Jiao (donkey-hide gelatin): E-Jiao received its name from its origin Dong E county, Shandong province. Ben Cao Gang Mu (Materia Medica) records:”E-Jiao, the top-grade medicine’ Hong Jing said, “originated from Dong E, so named as E-Jiao” E-Jiao, as best traditional tonic product has a history of more than 2000 years of making. E-Jiao, as a national treasure with age-old history, together with ginseng and deer velvet are called “Three Chinese Medicine Treasures”. Since ancient time, E-Jiao has always been treasured by people as the top best traditional tonic product.  Components of Dong’e E-Jiao: Main components include more than 18 amino acids: Lysine, Glycine, Arginine, etc.(It also include 8 types of Amino acid that cannot occur naturally in human body yet proved to be indispensable.) collagen protein of small molecule amount and peptone from hydrolyzing, titanium, etc contain more than 20 microelements, which include iron, zinc, calcium, Sr that are beneficial to the human bodies.  Product Instruction: Components:Donkey hide. supplements:Rock Candy, Yellow Wine, Bean Oil. Description:This product is of oblong or square shape, color black and amber, lustrous. Hard and crispy. Cutting surface shines. Fragments turn amber semitransparent under exposure to light. Mild in odor. Slightly sweet in flavor. Function:blood tonic, stanching, enhancing calcium absorption and immunity. Treatment:blood deficiency, large amount loss of blood, osteoporosis, deficient immunity.  Dosage and Administration: 1. Traditional Administration:  Take 250g solidified E-Jiao, add 200g rock candy, steam in a container using approximately 250g water for 1-2 hours. Unceasingly stirring until fully melted.  Add baked black sesame, walnuts, steam for 1 more hour;  Take out the container and let it sit for cooling and store in frig;  Serve 1 spoonful each morning and evening by melting it in warm water; 2. Modern Serving Method: Take E-Jiao lump, crack it. Take 4g fragments and mix with milk (mild powder) by melting it in warm water. 4 gram each time, twice daily. Specification:500g/box,50 boxes/carton,Packing specification:0.05m3 Good for 5 years. Modern clinical tests prove that E-Jiao has the following effects: 1. Blood Replenishing E-Jiao has very notable blood replenishing effect. People call it “magic blood replenishing tonic”. Modern pharmacological experiments show that E-Jiao helps increase red blood cells and red blood protein and stimulates blood-generating function. E-Jiao is used to treat syndrome of blood deficiency. 2. Beautifying Effect E-Jiao has a marvelous beautifying effect. It improves skin moistures by replenishing blood. Good for skin-care. It has been used as female cosmetics for ages. E-Jiao is composed of collagen protein and some hydrolyzed contents. Collagen protein is the main factor contributing to skin beauty. It has the molecule structure of “Three Helix” and can effectively retain moisture in the skin, thus to improve skin elasticity, restrain the occurring furrow lines. When constantly served, skin is likely to be moistened and refined with healthy luster. 3. Deferring aging E-Jiao has the age-deferring effect. Animal experiment shows that by serving E-Jiao blood vessel can be dilated, with greatly improved microcirculation of the body. It is rich in nutritious substance. Both amino acid and active titanium have age-deferring effects. Researches show that E-Jiao can help improve cell regeneration, clinically it is effective in improving blood, replenishing blood and qi. To the weak bodies from age and sickness, E-Jiao alleviates fatigue, enhances stamina, improves health and defers age. 4. Replenishing Calcium E-Jiao contains rich calcium. E-Jiao also contains glycine, which helps carry and transport calcium to improve calcium absorption and retention. In preventing infant calcium deficiency, osteoporosis of the middle aged and the elderly and improving the absorption and retention of calcium, E-Jiao has conspicuous effect. 5. E-Jiao has the effect of suppressing tumor cells. Experiments from Zhejiang University and Taiwan Yang Ming University show that E-Jiao has the effect suppressing cancer cells. Its mechanism effect is, through enhancing lymphocyte conversion rates of tumor patients, to slow down the growth of tumors, thus improve the syndrome. Five Advantages of Dong-E E-Jiao 1. Special water: Rich in mineral contents, underground water of Dong-E county is used for brewing gelatin. Inspected by authorities, the water contains more than 20 metallic cations beneficial to human bodies. The water is ideal for brewing gelatin. These mineral contents of appropriate proportions and the microelements are indispensable effective components; 2. Pure Raw Materials:Donkey hide is the main raw material of E-Jiao. The maker has strict quality control over purchasing, inspection and reception process and its storage method. The maker selects large and thick top class hide with smooth healthy luster. With special treatments, derma is abstracted to be used for brewing and become E-Jiao. Good E-Jiao has pure flavor and does not turn inferior easily. 3. By employing advanced technology, maintaining the traditional abstraction methods and combining with modern science and technology, using steaming pressurizing and calculus control to melt the hide, centrifuge impurity,by constant temperature cooling methods, E-Jiao quality is ensured. 4. Pure quality, Pure abstraction, complete removal of impurity. Collagen protein is decompose thoroughly. With small molecule amount, rich in titanium and amino acid, E-Jiao can be easily absorbed. 5. Modern management, making with international contacts. In 1999, E-Jiao was a leading product that certified by SFDA pharmacy production and Quality Management Program(GMP); In 2000, E-Jiao passed the certifying ISO9001 International Quality Certification System and ISO14001 International Environmental Management System. First Pharmacy Protection of the Kind in China- ---Compound E-Jiao Syrup Convenient to serve, easy to absorb. Compound E-Jiao Syrup takes “Liangyi ointment” recipe from Jing Yue Quan Shu by famous Chinese physician zhang Jiebi of Ming Dynasty, using top quality Dong-E gellatin as main component and mix with qi replenishing red ginseng, codonopsis pilosula, ripe glutinous rehmannia,Serving with haw fruits. Good for stomach and digestion. Easy absorption. It can be served all year round for different countries. Components: E-Jiao , Red Ginseng, Ripe Glutinous Rehmannia,Codonopsis Pilosula, Haw fruits. Serving Contents:Saccharose Properties:this is an amber colored fluid with E-Jiao fragrance, sweet in taste. Function: replenishing blood, enhance white cells; helping digestion and improving sleep quality. Application: blood deficiency, white cell decreasing deficiency, tumors, immunity deficiency, indigestion,insomnia and fatigue. Dosage and Administration:Oral dosage,20ml per time,3 times daily. Specification: 12×20ml/box;30 boxes/carton;specification:0.04 m3 Valid for 3 years. Pharmacological Effects:  Accelerate recovery of exsanguine blood deficiency with remarkable improvement in increasing red blood cells and red blood protein quantity.  Prevent decrease of Granular cell in the blood, helps improve increasing white blood cell remarkably.  Preventative function in preventing endoxan from restraining the marrow’s blood generating function,with protective function to minor damage to the marrow’s blood generating system.  Helps decrease consumption of oxygen, better toleration of oxygen deficiency,with distinct extended living time of suffocated rats.  Helps increase rats’ sustaining stamina and sports ability. Fights fatigue.  Helps improve the consuming function of macrophage, with improved immunity. E-Jiao Particulate for nourishment of blood Safety, Convenience, Sugarless, Wide Application. E-Jiao Particulate for nourishment of blood is made through ultra concentration and spraying drying, dry granulates-making technique upon raw material abstraction. It contains large amount of amino acid, mineral contents, Vitamins that are beneficial to the human bodies. Pharmaceutical experiments show that E-Jiao Blood Tonic Granulates can improve the generation of blood generating stem cell,quickly increase the hemoglobin and iron contents in blood serum, thus to protect the marrow’s blood generating system and replenish the internal blood loss. Components:E-Jiao, ripe rehmannia gluinosa, codonopsis pilosula, Huang Qi, Fruits of Chinese wolfberry, Bai Zhu Assisting Contents:None Properties: amber colored granulates; sweet and slightly bitter in taste. Functions: blood tonic, fatigue fighting, improving immunity, deferring aging. Application: blood deficiency, low immunity. Dosage and Administration:Serve by dissolving in warm water. 1 bag/time, 2 times/day. Specification: Each bag contains 4g;4g×20bags/box;30boxes/carton;Size:0.027 m3 Valid for 4 years. E-Jiao Semi-fluid for nourishment of blood Contents: E-Jiao, Codonopsis Pilosula, Huang Qi, Fruit of Chinese Wolfberry, Bai Zhu. Assisting contents: None. Property: amber color semi transparent fluid, sweet and slightly bitter in taste. Functions: blood tonic, fatigue fighting, improving immunity, deferring aging. Application: blood deficiency, low immunity. Dosage and Administration:Oral serve. 20 grams each time; morning and evening. Specification: 300g/bottle;20bottles/carton;Size:0.04 m3 Valid for 3 years. Pipefish Gelatin Oral-Serve Fluid Pipefish Gelatin Oral-Serve Fluid is made based on traditional Chinese medicine principles. It combines modern R&D result for rational prescription incorporation. This product mainly uses sea treasure pipefish, mixes with more than ten Chinese herbs including Chinese Angelica, Boschiniakia Glabra. Application: For syndromes of Neurasthenia, Natural function barrier, back sore waist keel from Menopause, fatigue, frequent night micturition and multidreams, with 90% or above curative rate. For decreased natural function, curative rate is over 80%; for the low natural function, curative rate is over 72%. Ingredients: Pipefish, Yellow Gelatin, Chinese Angelica, Boschiniakia Glabra, Huang Qi, Paeonia Albiflora Pallas, Chinese Cassia Tree, Fruit of Chinese Wolfberry, Dry Orange Peel, Glycyrrhiza Glabra L. var. glandulifera, Regal; Other Ingredients: Sucrose, Yellow Wine. Properties: amber color, clear fluid; sweet and slightly bitter in taste. Application: Warm tonic for kidney yang. For sore back feeble feet from deficient kidney Yang. For low energy, lusterless skin. Dosage and Administration: Oral serve. 40ml(2 bottles each time), 1-2/day. Specification: 20ml×10bottle/box; 30boxes/carton;Size: 0.0374 m3  Food Series for Health Care E-Jiao Cream This product is mainly made with E-Jiao, mixed with walnuts and black sesame using traditional prescription by modern technology. It is a refined health care food carefully made with attention given to contents selection and proportion. This product is rich in protein. Experiments on functions show that the product has the function in regulating immunity. Ingredients: E-Jiao, Walnuts, Black Sesame, Yellow Gelatin, Shao Wine, Starch, Vitamin E Main Ingredients Nutrients In Every 100g in Every 100g E-Jiao 6.6g Protein≥15g Walnuts16g Fat≥5g Black Sesame16g Health Care Functions:Regulates immunity, skin tonic, blackens hair, moisten and smoothen bowels, improves sleep. Applied:the elderly and the infirmity,immunity deficient people. Dosage and administration: 2-3 spoons, morning and evening. Valid for 18 months. E-Jiao Drinks This product is mainly made with E-Jiao, mixed with Cocoa, Whole Milk, Plant Fat, Granulated Sugar, using advanced and refined techniques. The product contains multi amino acids(including those amino acids indispensable to human bodies),vitamins,micro elements and trace elements. This product is designed and made to fit the needs of wide spread stress and increasing fast paced modern life and work style. It is a modern product with convenience as its characteristic. It dissolves easily in water. Fragrant in odor. Convenient to take and pleasant to the taste. It is a particularly suitable product for modern professional women. Components: Sucrose, E-Jiao, Plant Fat Powder, Whole Milk, and Cocoa. Nutrients: Protein≥20g in 100g Health Care Function: regulates immunity. Applied Population: for varied population except infants. Good for the middle aged and the elderly. Dosage and Administration: 20-30g,morning and evening. Dissolve in warm water. Valid for 24 months. E-Jiao Skin Tonic This is a health care product with main ingredients of E-Jiao, Bai Zhi, Rhizome of Ligusticum wallichii. Experiments show that it has the skin care function (removes tan color speckles). Ingredients:E-Jiao, Bai Zhi, Rhizome of Ligusticum Wallichii, Salad Oil, Beewax, Soybean Phosphatide and Vitamin E. Functioning Ingredients and Amount: 700mg Vitamin E in 100g. Health Care Function: Skin Tonic(Removes Tan Color Speckles.) Applied Population: those with tan color speckles. Dosage and Administration: 2 granulates, morning and evening. Valid for 24 months. E-Jiao American ginseng Capsule Main ingredients of this health care product: E-Jiao American Ginseng. Experiments show that it helps fight fatigue. Ingredients:E-Jiao, American Ginseng, Salad Oil, Beeswax, Soybean Phosphatide, Vitamin E. Functioning Ingredients and Amount: Protein ≥12g in every 100g,Ginseng total soap glucoside 600mg-900mg. Health Care Function: fights fatigue, improves yellow complexion and roughdry skin. Applied Population: people with fatigue syndrome. Unapplied Population: infants and young children. Dosage and Administration:Oral serve. 3 times a day, 1 granulate each time. Specification:1g/granulate Valid for 24 months. E-Jiao Crystal Jujube In 2002, E-Jiao Crystal Jujube were rated as Excellent Health Care Product in China. Red dates are also called “Fruits of Youth”and“Living Vitamin Capsule”; It tastes sweet and contains proteins, sugar, organic acids, Vitamin A, B2, C, Calcareous, Phosphorus, etc. It replenishes blood and helps with digestion. Replenish varied nutrients needed by human bodies. Moisten skin and refines complexion, improves skin luster and elasticity of skin. Old saying goes: “three dates a day, never gets aged”. This health care product has main ingredients of E-Jiao, mixed with red dates, white granulated sugar by modern scientific prescription. It regulates immunity. The product has the compound odor of E-Jiao and red dates with moderate sweet taste. Ingredients:Red dates, sucrose, E-Jiao, Citric acid. Nutrients:Protein≥2.0g in 100g Health Care Function:Regulates Immunity. Applied Population: the infirmity and the elderly. Unapplied Population: People with Diabetes. Dosage and Administration:50g each time, can be served instantly upon opening the bag. Can be used for ingredients for other food. Valid for 18 months. Biological product: rhEPO Injection E-hua Biotechnics Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was incorporated in 1996 as a sole subsidiary of Shandong Dong-E E-Jiao Group. As a modernized biotechnology drug manufacturer, our main line of business includes R&D, production and sales of biotechnology drug products. The biotechnology-based EPO pharmaceutical production begins by cloning the gene that expresses rhEPO into Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells. Then the cells are cultured to secrete and express EPO. Finally the EPO secretion is separated, purified, subpackaged, and packaged to produce EPO product. Indications: Anemia caused by renal insufficiency in patients undergoing dialysis therapy or not; and red blood cell mobilization in preoperative patients. Seed cells are produced using clone technologies. The human gene that expresses rhEPO is cloned into CHO cells. High-expression clone stains are selected as the original seeds. Then the seeds are cultured in cell bottles and US NBS's fermentors to secrete EPO protein to the culture liquid. The culture liquid is purified in an AKETA chromatography workstation and a Waters's HPLC workstation to produce original EPO liquid. After the original liquid passes the appropriate testing, it becomes the finished product and is filled on a Bosch's filling line. All through the production process bacteria and pyrogens are absolutely shielded out and activity of the desired product is maintained. Product Features: Expression: Efficient expression is delivered by US NBS's cell culture bioreactors under automatic program control without infection. Purification: A Swedish PHARMACIA's chromatography workstation removes pyrogens, endotoxins, and other sensitizers. Subpackaging: Germany BOSCH's filling line guarantees no bacteria or foreign bodies. Reliable quality:  Raw and auxiliary substances, intermediates, original liquid, semi-finished products, and finished products are subjected to over 200 items of testing. Any disqualified material will be rejected to go through to the next step.  The original liquid is superior over China national specifications for 17 testing items.  High glycosylation level enables perfect in-vivo activity. Environment: The process requirements are substantially satisfied in an environment of class 100, 10,000, or 100,000. In 2000, we passed ISO14001 (International Environment Management System) certification. Our EPO Production Shop became the first China national GMP-certified rhEPO injection (CHO cell line) producer in 1998. In 1999, E-Hua passed ISO9001 (International Quality System) certification. Our Business Concept: Recover more patients with affordable products Physiological Function & Mechanism: EPO is a type of protein generally produced by renal cells. Transported to hematopoietic cells in human bone marrow by blood, it stimulates these cells to differentiate and produce additional mature red blood cells. Thus hemoglobin level in the blood is increased, offering the desired efficacy of anemia therapy. EPO Specifications & Permits: 2000IU/Vial China National Drug Permit No. S20030021 3000IU/Vial China National Drug Permit No. S20030022 4000IU/Vial China National Drug Permit No. S20030023 5000IU/Vial China National Drug Permit No. S20030024 9000IU/Vial China National Drug Permit No. S20040076 12000IU/Vial China National Drug Permit No. S20040077 如果您对我们公司的产品和服务有建议或意见,可以随时用座机拨打我公司的免费电话:8008608388选择1或4008180106选择1(座机、小灵通、手机均可拨打,收当地市话费),我会随时为您解答的。 祝:工作顺利,全家幸福! 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司消费者服务热线 谢凤慧 2008-1-18
2007-12-29蒋守宏 可以开专卖店吗?
我是江苏盐城的,想代理贵公司在盐城的产品,请问有什么要求? 谢谢!


尊敬的消费者: 您好! 您若想代理我公司产品,请直接与我公司江苏办事处联系,电话:025-86651036 如果您对我们公司的产品和服务有建议或意见,可以随时用座机拨打我公司的免费电话:8008608388选择1或4008180106选择1(座机、小灵通、手机均可拨打,收当地市话费),我会随时为您解答的。 祝:在新的一年里,心想事成,一切顺利。 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司消费者服务热线 谢凤慧 2007-12-30
2007-12-21吴端仁 寻求招商
尊敬的厂商: 你好! 我是湖南浏阳人士。本人有祖传秘方“犬羊中药膏一副”,现市场紧缺此药膏。经本人10多年的实践研究和改进,对宫冷不孕,阳痿,滑精,月经不调有独特的疗效,也是滋阴补肾壮阳的上上极品。(如夫妻一方食之良膏,对方定知其身体的康健) 因限于季节性的生产,缺乏设备风干而不能长期生产。今特呼吁厂商加盟投资或出售此良方。本地有广泛的地皮.劳动力资源可供开发办厂。此药膏在本地的零售价是600元/千克水膏。 如贵公司厂家有兴趣可与吴端仁: 15832563665 0731-3769563 或吴孝城:13307491436 联系殷切盼望贵厂来我地研究考查或实品研究试用。


尊敬的用户您好: 您可以拨打0635-3264991或3260009我公司研究所的电话协商。谢谢! 因为没有及时回复,在此表示深深的歉意,请您见谅! 如有其他问题和建议,您可拨打免费电话8008608388手机用户也可拨打4008180106咨询。如果您对我们公司的产品和服务有建议或意见,请告诉我们,我们会努力工作,让您享受到更多的健康与快乐! 非常感谢你对我公司的关心和支持.为人类的康复保健服务是我公司不懈的追求和神圣的目标。 祝快乐健康每一天! 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司 消费者服务中心:董卉
2007-12-11薛英 专卖店


尊敬的薛女士: 您好! 济南现在有两家“东阿阿胶专卖店”,您若打算开专卖店,请直接与我公司专营连锁部张宏君部长联系,电话:0635-3260398或13276356169 如果您对我们公司的产品和服务有建议或意见,可以随时用座机拨打我公司的免费电话:8008608388选择1或4008180106选择1(座机、小灵通、手机均可拨打,收当地市话费),我会随时为您解答的。 祝:事业有成,全家幸福! 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司消费者服务热线 谢凤慧 2007-12-11
2007-11-28 怎么样做代理商
我是山东烟台的我 想问一下做代理商的条件 可以详细的和我说一下吗? 我们烟台这还没有专门做阿胶的呐 希望能够详细的回复我 谢谢了


尊敬的消费者: 您好! 您若想代理我公司产品,请直接与我公司办事处联系,电话:0532-83899097或与烟台李兴林经理联系,电话13276356080。 如果您对我们公司的产品和服务有建议或意见,可以随时用座机拨打我公司的免费电话:8008608388选择1或4008180106选择1(座机、小灵通、手机均可拨打,收当地市话费),我会随时为您解答的。 祝:工作顺利,全家幸福! 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司消费者服务热线 谢凤慧 2007-11-28
2007-11-27肖伟成 我想做产品代理
我是湖南娄底市人,从做贵公司股票开始了解贵公司产品,对产品的疗效及产品文化产生兴趣,但我走遍本地的药店了解只有一、二种东阿产品,我想了解是生产能力还是销售等原因产生这种现象,另外我从淘宝网中订购了10盒海龙胶,已经近7天了还没有送到,很想了解其中原因。 你们现在的地区产品代理权的条件是什么?请回复!


尊敬的用户您好: 您拨打湖南长沙我们公司办事处电话0731-8630640详细咨询代理事宜。谢谢! 因为没有及时回复,在此表示深深的歉意,请您见谅! 如有其他问题和建议,您可拨打免费电话8008608388手机用户也可拨打4008180106咨询。如果您对我们公司的产品和服务有建议或意见,请告诉我们,我们会努力工作,让您享受到更多的健康与快乐! 非常感谢你对我公司的关心和支持.为人类的康复保健服务是我公司不懈的追求和神圣的目标。 祝快乐健康每一天! 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司 消费者服务中心:董卉
2007-11-22 请问阿华生物的联系方式?
打过网上查询到的电话,放了2分钟的东阿阿胶的广告后,终于有个男人接了,可问他任何问题都说不知道,我于是说"那你给一个相关人员或领导的电话吧,我直接和他沟通",他说"领导的电话不能告诉的",我报上我公司名称,他还是说"不管是谁,领导的电话不能告诉的". 无奈之下,我找到了贵司的网站,可发现也没有联系电话. 再无奈之下,只好写客户反馈了................


尊敬的用户您好: 阿华生物的电话是0635-3262289,请您拨打。谢谢! 因为没有及时回复,在此表示深深的歉意,请您见谅! 如有其他问题和建议,您可拨打免费电话8008608388手机用户也可拨打4008180106咨询。如果您对我们公司的产品和服务有建议或意见,请告诉我们,我们会努力工作,让您享受到更多的健康与快乐! 非常感谢你对我公司的关心和支持.为人类的康复保健服务是我公司不懈的追求和神圣的目标。 祝快乐健康每一天! 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司 消费者服务中心:董卉
2007-10-13黄敏 开专卖店的咨询
你好, 我是一位广东人,一次出差山东泰安的机会,在山东阿胶专卖店里和老板谈了几小时,让我真实地了解到了阿胶的市场,买回的产品经家人服用后效果显著,更使我下定决心要投资东阿阿胶专卖店。 但经我调查,在广东东莞已有一家专卖店,请问在中国经济百强镇第一的虎门镇还能再开一家吗? 谢谢!


尊敬的用户您好: 您可以拨打电话13276356169找张宏君经理详谈开设专营店事宜,谢谢! 因为没有及时回复,在此表示深深的歉意,请您见谅! 如有其他问题和建议,您可拨打免费电话8008608388手机用户也可拨打4008180106咨询。如果您对我们公司的产品和服务有建议或意见,请告诉我们,我们会努力工作,让您享受到更多的健康与快乐! 非常感谢你对我公司的关心和支持.为人类的康复保健服务是我公司不懈的追求和神圣的目标。 祝快乐健康每一天! 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司 消费者服务中心:董卉
2007-10-08付留成 关于连云港地区的代理
你好 请问在连云港地区现在有代理吗? 关于代理权问题和代理费用具体是怎么规定的!


尊敬的消费者: 您好! 关于代理权问题和代理费用具体是怎么规定的问题,您需要与我们江苏办事处联系。电话:025-86651036 如果您对我们公司的产品和服务有建议或意见,可以随时用座机拨打我公司的免费电话:8008608388选择1或4008180106选择1(座机、小灵通、手机均可拨打,收当地市话费),我会随时为您解答的。 祝:工作顺利,全家幸福! 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司消费者服务中心 谢凤慧 2007-10-10
2007-09-16李令彦 有关专卖店事宜
你好 请问贵公司在大连有专卖店吗?如果没有,本人想在大连开专卖店,如果可以,开专卖店的具体流程是如何操作.盼答复. 谢谢


尊敬的消费者: 您好! 很抱歉,没能及时回复,敬请谅解! 公司在大连没有专卖店,如果您想开专卖店,我可以给您一个我们公司专营连锁部的电话给您,您可以直接和他们联系。0635-3260398请找张宏君部长就可以了。 如果您对我们公司的产品和服务有建议或意见,可以随时用座机拨打我公司的免费电话:8008608388选择1或4008180106选择1(座机、小灵通、手机均可拨打,收当地市话费),我会随时为您解答的。 祝:工作顺利,全家幸福! 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司消费者服务热线 谢凤慧 2007-9-19
2007-08-15xiewen 请问江西-赣州有贵公司的专卖店吗?
尊敬的东阿阿胶负责人: 您好! 请问江西-赣州有贵公司的专卖店吗? 如果想开阿胶专卖店,贵公司对此有哪方面的要求呢?


尊敬的客户: 您好! 非常感谢你对我公司的关心和支持.为人类的康复保健服务是我公司不懈的追求和神圣的目标。 开办阿胶专卖店,具体条件您可以与连锁经营部张部长洽谈,联系电话:0635-3260398。 如有其他问题和建议,您可拨打免费电话8008608388手机用户也可拨打4008180106咨询。如果您对我们公司的产品和服务有建议或意见,请告诉我们,我们会努力工作,让您享受到更多的健康与快乐! 祝快乐健康每一天! 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司消费者服务中心:杨丽 2007-8-16
2007-07-29余先生 投资专营店
你好: 我老家是福建的,我已经关注东阿阿胶很长时间了,我相信东阿阿胶是一家很有实力的公司,不然是不会在这么多保健品行业中仍旧不衰的。所以我想在福建那边开一家专营店。不知道那边有了没有。如果要开的话不知有什么条件没有。我该如何进货呢?


尊敬的余先生: 您好! 专卖店的开办事宜请与公司的连锁经营部联系,联系电话:0635-3260398 联系人:张宏军经理 因为没有及时回复,在此表示深深的歉意,请您见谅! 如有其他问题和建议,您可拨打免费电话8008608388手机用户也可拨打4008180106咨询。如果您对我们公司的产品和服务有建议或意见,请告诉我们,我们会努力工作,让您享受到更多的健康与快乐! 非常感谢你对我公司的关心和支持.为人类的康复保健服务是我公司不懈的追求和神圣的目标。 祝快乐健康每一天! 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司消费者服务中心:杨丽 2007-7-31
2007-06-20杨华丽 关于生产使用的原料
您好! 我是一个投资商。我想咨询一下问题: 1.请问你们生产阿胶所用的原料是自己生产,还是购买,或者 一部分自己生产一部分购买? 2.请问你们有的驴骨,驴油,驴血原料等销售吗? 谢谢!


尊敬的用户您好: 以上问题建议您拨打电话0635-3264108进行详细咨询,谢谢! 因为没有及时回复,在此表示深深的歉意,请您见谅! 如有其他问题和建议,您可拨打免费电话8008608388手机用户也可拨打4008180106咨询。如果您对我们公司的产品和服务有建议或意见,请告诉我们,我们会努力工作,让您享受到更多的健康与快乐! 非常感谢你对我公司的关心和支持.为人类的康复保健服务是我公司不懈的追求和神圣的目标。 祝快乐健康每一天! 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司 消费者服务中心:董卉 2007-6-24
2007-06-11董永科 驴皮的收购价格
请问驴皮收购有什么标准,对驴的产地有 什么要求 啊? 价格是多少啊?驴皮是按重量收购还是按平方尺收购?麻烦一下回答我的问题!谢谢!!


尊敬的消费者: 您好! 关于驴皮收购方面的问题,您可以与我们公司采购部或产业管理部联系,电话:0635-3264593或0635-3265536都可以。 祝:生意兴隆,万事如意! 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司消费者服务热线 谢凤慧 2007-6-11
2007-06-11董永科 驴皮的收购价格
请问驴皮收购有什么标准,对驴的产地有 什么要求 啊? 价格是多少啊?驴皮是按重量收购还是按平方尺收购?麻烦一下回答我的问题!谢谢!!


尊敬的用户您好: 您可以拨打公司电话0635-3264108进行详细咨询。谢谢! 因为没有及时回复,在此表示深深的歉意,请您见谅! 如有其他问题和建议,您可拨打免费电话8008608388手机用户也可拨打4008180106咨询。如果您对我们公司的产品和服务有建议或意见,请告诉我们,我们会努力工作,让您享受到更多的健康与快乐! 非常感谢你对我公司的关心和支持.为人类的康复保健服务是我公司不懈的追求和神圣的目标。 祝快乐健康每一天! 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司 消费者服务中心:董卉 2007-6-13
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